
Candace Hurley

On February 15, 2024 I had the privilege and the honor of escorting several students to the 11th annual blacks on Wall Street forum held at BNY MELLON.

My students were excited about this opportunity from the start, and they were not disappointed.

Although we were a small group of seven students, five young ladies and two males, from Clara Barton High School for the Health Profession, we represented the diverse community of Clara Barton in terms of our professional interests, gifts, i.e. talents, and love of community, that the students possess and offer this extended community.

We arrived early and were greeted with the rich texture and welcoming environment of BNY MELLON. we were made to feel comfortable in an environment that most of us were not regularly privy to.

By the stroke of luck, and coincidence, I ran into Alister Murray, who was one of the keynote speakers on the panel for Blacks on Wall Street that evening. As it turns out, we knew each other from high school and had graduated in the same year. Mr. Murray was a close friend of the family and ran track with my brother Wayne Douet.

For me, I noticed that the stars were in fact aligning because I attended the event with the intention of making contact with individuals who were willing to pour into students at my Brooklyn High School.

On a whole, my students were in tranced and captivated by the prestigious lineup of keynote speakers at blacks on Wall Street. They participated wholeheartedly and enjoyed the event. One of the student was lucky enough to win one of the prizes that was given out after playing interactive games as a warm-up for the event.

Just to note, students, audio taped, videotaped, took pictures and captured notes on the Nuggets that were given at this event, by the successful IT and finance professionals who were great role models, and open to transforming the lives of these young scholars, giving the

students in the room hope, scaffolding opportunity and blueprints for success that were shared that night.

My students were actually quite sad that our bus was summoned, and we had to leave before the end of the event.  One of our students, Tassiana M. ever the social justice warrior asked the question about what could BOW do to better serve students who find themselves in the predicament of being in the shadows of the system when faced with residential and immigration issues.

Another student made sure to tell a friend as he sat at the event that he was, in fact, in a “business meeting on Wall Street !”

Without a doubt, these students were positively impacted by this event.  The event itself was a beacon of light. It was a transformative night and the speakers gave to these young scholars, hope of a better future, hope of economic success, hope of possibility of gaining skills and support in order to fully participate as citizens of this modern era.

Furthermore, I was able to take the information gained from the Black on Wall Street event and utilize it to motivate our own wealth event held on March 12, 2024 at Clara Barton High School for the Health Professions.

It is important to not understate the impact of Blacks on Wall Street, because its impact cannot be overstated in anyway. It seems clear that if given a glimmer of hope, towards opportunities, support and self-determination and self betterment, students rise to the occasion. As observed after this event; students reset their trajectory and sense of purpose. They become better captains of their fate.

I am looking forward to future collaborations with Blacks on Wall Street, if this event has caused a 54 year old black, female teacher, and school building leader to dream a little brighter, stand a little taller, walk with a bit more hope, and purpose in the work that she does, it seems quite clear, that this event of Blacks on Wall Street forum stand to inspire and change the economic trajectory of the students who are lucky enough to be included.

I saw the alchemy of Blacks On Wall Street’s magic on this night in my own students. I witnessed the manifestation of pouring deeply into students as a way of preparing them to carry on the baton and the legacy beyond the “talented tenth.”


I look forward to next year.