Blacks on Wall Street, Inc. Empowers Future Leaders at 11th Annual Teen Forum - February 15, 2024

The Black wealth gap in America is a systemic issue stemming from historical injustices like slavery, segregation, and discriminatory policies. Blacks on Wall Street, Inc focuses on addressing the following contributing factors:

  • Economic Policies: Implement policies that promote wealth creation and asset building opportunities for Black communities, such as targeted investment in education, entrepreneurship, and affordable housing.

  • Financial Inclusion: Increase access to banking services, credit, and financial education to empower Black individuals and communities to build wealth and assets.

  • Education and Workforce Development: Invest in quality education, vocational training, and career development programs to enhance economic mobility and opportunities for Black individuals.

  • Community Empowerment: Supporting community-based initiatives, cooperative economics, and social entrepreneurship to foster economic resilience and self-determination within Black communities.

To that end, Blacks on Wall Street, Inc recently hosted its 11th Annual Teen Forum, a remarkable event aimed at equipping high school students with insights and guidance for pursuing careers in Finance and IT. With 250 enthusiastic young minds in attendance, the Forum proved to be an enlightening experience, offering valuable resources and mentorship opportunities.


The event, held at The Bank of New York Mellon in New York, NY brought together a diverse group of students from various backgrounds and schools. Through interactive workshops, panel discussions, and networking sessions, participants gained invaluable knowledge about the dynamic fields of Finance and Information Technology.  One of the primary objectives of the Teen Forum was to inspire and empower students from underrepresented communities to explore and pursue careers in these sectors. By showcasing successful professionals and providing practical advice, Blacks on Wall Street, Inc aimed to break down barriers and encourage diversity within the Finance and IT Industries.

Throughout the day, attendees had the opportunity to engage with industry experts, including seasoned professionals and entrepreneurs, who shared their personal journeys and insights. Topics ranged from financial literacy and investment strategies to emerging trends in technology and cybersecurity.

Moreover, the Teen Forum emphasized the importance of mentorship and networking in achieving success. Students engaged with mentors who provided guidance, support and encouragement as they navigate their academic and professional journeys. These connections fostered meaningful relationships and empowered students to set ambitious goals for their futures.

As a company dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in the financial and technology sectors, Blacks on Wall Street, Inc recognizes the importance of investing in the next generation of leaders. By hosting events like the Teen Forum, the company is committed to providing opportunities for young people to explore their passions, develop their talents, and realize their full potential.

These future leaders were exposed to scholastic offerings from our Partners NPower, AFCEA International, OBAP - Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals, Year Up, Per Scholas and America On Tech.

The success of the 11th Annual Teen Forum is a testament to the commitment and dedication of Blacks on Wall Street, Inc and its partners in empowering youth and fostering diversity in the workforce. As these aspiring young professionals embark on their journey towards success, they carry with them the knowledge, skills, and inspiration gained from this transformative event.

In conclusion, the 11th annual Teen Forum hosted by Blacks on Wall Street, Inc served as a beacon of hope and opportunity for the next generation of leaders in finance and IT. Through education, mentorship, and empowerment, the event laid the foundation for a brighter and more inclusive future in these dynamic industries.

Author: DK Creary


Blacks on Wall Street, Inc. Honored at Brooklyn South High School Annual Leadership Awards for Dedication to Community Services.


Blacks on Wall Street & AFCEA Launch Virtual Blacks in STEM Panel DiscussionBlacks on Wall Street Oct 29, 2020. The discussion targeted high school students from the New York and New Jersey area.