Blacks on Wall Street & AFCEA Launch Virtual Blacks in STEM Panel DiscussionBlacks on Wall Street Oct 29, 2020. The discussion targeted high school students from the New York and New Jersey area.

January 29, 2021 /PressCable

Blacks on Wall Street (BoWS) and AFCEA recently launched their virtual event Blacks in STEM on October 29, 2020. The event was the first of many virtual events to come, all aimed at helping underrepresented youth pursue meaningful careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Blacks on Wall Street (BoWS) and AFCEA recently launched their virtual event Blacks in STEM on October 29, 2020. The event was the first of many virtual events to come, all aimed at helping underrepresented youth pursue meaningful careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

View the event on YouTube:

STEM amid COVID-19

The Blacks in STEM discussion targeted high school students from the New York and New Jersey area. It was held over Zoom and attended by approximately 100 students. Blacks in STEM consisted of a panel discussion and open forum, carried by several Black leaders in business development, medicine, military, and technology.

Alvie Johnson, Senior Vice President of Business Development for Data Systems Analysts, Inc., and Regional Vice President of AFCEA hosted the event. Dennis Creary, Chief Executive Officer of BoWS, moderated the panel discussion. The event began with each of the four panelists briefly introducing themselves, after which they gladly answered questions asked by the moderator and virtual audience. N’Kenge, a renowned artist, performer, and producer, ended with a moving musical performance.

Blacks in STEM also tackled the pressing problem of COVID-19 and its harmful impact on Black and Brown families and communities all over the country. The panel discussed COVID-19 safety and general health tips to staying healthy to alleviate the suffering caused by the pandemic.

Esteemed Panel

Blacks in STEM presented a panel of four accomplished African-American industry leaders:

∙ Randall Maxey, M.D., from Cincinnati, Ohio, has been a top Nephrologist for 48 years and a dedicated civil rights activist.

∙ Rear Admiral James A. Johnson, M.D., president of the San Diego Military AdvisoryCouncil (SDMAC). He served 28 years of active duty in the Navy as a medical officer and surgeon.

∙ Rear Admiral David Brewer III, Commander of the Military Sealift Command, is responsible for developing the Navy College Program, providing degree programs for 300,000 sailors.

∙ Charisse Stokes, MBA, President of Tidal I.T. Solutions, former U.S. Air Force acquisition officer, and Regional Vice President of AFCEA.

Aside from discussing STEM education and career opportunities and the COVID-19 pandemic, the panelists also left many valuable life lessons and stories of inspiration for the young audience, many of whom are about to make the most critical decisions in their lives.

First of Many More

Blacks in STEM is the latest brainchild of the partnership between BoWS and AFCEA. The two organizations share overlapping goals, including increasing the younger generation’s interest in pursuing STEM fields.

Blacks on Wall Street’s mission is to address African-Americans’ underrepresentation in the business world and reducing poverty among Black communities.

According to a Citigroup report, racism and racial inequality against Black people have robbed America of roughly $16 trillion over the last 20 years. It was noted that the root cause of this discrepancy is the exclusion of opportunities for African-Americans in education, housing, wages, and business investment.

BoWS is working to close the glaring gap. With AFCEA’s national reach, the organizations are working together to impact wide-spread change. Their immediate goal is to put more historically excluded children in college and support them through their journey towards fulfilling careers. In the long-term, this partnership will improve the economy, close the wealth gap, and uplift communities all over the country.

Immediate Effect

Donations to organizations like BoWS and AFCEA have had an immediate impact on underserved communities, families, and individuals. And in the wake of a devastating pandemic, the effect is even more pronounced and more profoundly felt.

Community-based organizations like BoWS and AFCEA are working double-time to keep African-American families from losing their homes, jobs, and education. Donations provide immediate assistance to those deprived of income and ensure resources and continued education as children transition to remote learning.

BoWS and AFCEA believe that while keeping families and communities out of poverty is essential, much more needs to be done to close the wealth gap in the years to come. Events like Blacks in STEM are small but crucial parts of the bigger picture.


AFCEA is a professional association that connects people, ideas, and solutions globally by developing networking and educational opportunities and providing them in an ethical forum. They enable the military, government, industry, and academia to align technology to meet the needs of those who serve. Their website is

About Blacks on Wall Street, Inc.

Blacks on Wall Street, Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to close the professional opportunity gap by providing underrepresented youth the resources to achieve promising careers. BOWS seeks to position existing professional leaders alongside emerging leaders to engage, empower, mentor, recognize and reward diverse youth towards advancement opportunities. Their website is

Release ID: 88995293


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