Blacks on Wall Street, Inc are pleased to announce the appointment of Anthony Mayo, PMP, CSM, MBA, - to our Board of Directors.

Public Announcement - 3/5/2024

Tony Mayo is an accomplished Senior Executive in business and technology with extensive years of experience across banking, agricultural, entertainment, consumer products, and recreation industries. Various positions included CTO at Dreyfus Corporation and Managing Director at The Bank of New York Mellon.

Tony has been featured in financial publications such as The Financial Times, Financial Planning, and Ignites. He also collaborated on a book publication entitled, “Conversational Insights | From Great Minds” specifically speaking of “The Necessity for Adaptability”.

As a diversity advocate, he has demonstrated his commitment and passion to serve those that are underrepresented in our society.

This appointment to BoWS will provide a platform to his continuing mentorship engagements and assisting us in bridging the financial and opportunity gaps within our community.

Tony has a BSc and MBA from St. John's University

Welcome to the BoWS Family!!


Blacks on Wall Street, Inc. Honored at Brooklyn South High School Annual Leadership Awards for Dedication to Community Services.